专著及标准: 1、 Book Chapter: Research Aspects in Chemical and Materials Sciences,2023年。 2、 参编团标《橡胶表面碳薄膜制备及评价方法》(排名第四),2023年。 代表性论著(第一作者或通讯作者): 近年来,在AFM、MSSP、AIChEJ、Friction、Wear、机械工程学报等权威期刊以第一或者通讯作者共计发表SCI、EI等收录的论文60多篇,代表性论文如下: [1] Yu Yang, Zhiying Ren*, Zhou Chunhui, etl. 3D-Printed Robust Dual Superlyophobic Ti-based Porous Structure for Switchable Oil/water Emulsion Separations [J].Advanced Functional Materials. 2023,已录用. (IF: 19.924)(材料国际顶刊, 中科院一区,Top) [2] Zhou Chunhui, Ren Zhiying*, Yang Yu, etl. Hysteresis dynamic model of Metal Rubber based on Higher-order Nonlinear Friction (HNF) [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023, 189, 110117.(中科院一区,Top) [3] Liangliang Shen, Zhiying Ren*, Jian Xu*, etl. Dry friction damping mechanism of flexible microporous metal rubber based on cell group energy dissipation mechanism [J]. Friction, 2023, 11(2): 259–279.(中科院一区,Top) [4] Yu Yang, Zhiying Ren*, Youxi Lin, etl. Robust graphene/poly (vinyl alcohol) aerogel for high-flux and high-purity separation of water-in -oil emulsion and its computational fluid dynamic simulation [J]. AIChEJ. 2022, e17619.(校内认定国际顶刊) [5] Xiaochao Chen, Zhiying Ren*, etl. A domain decomposition method based vibration analysis of BDFGs imperfect beams with arbitrary boundary conditions [J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 284: 115115.(中科院一区,Top) [6] Hongyin Li, Zhiying Ren*, etl. Fretting wear evolution model of the metal filaments inside metal rubber [J]. Wear. 2022, 506-507, 204438.(中科院一区,Top) [7] Zhiying Ren, Liangliang Shen, etl. Constitutive model of disordered grid interpenetrating structure of flexible microporous metal rubber [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021 (154): 107567.(中科院一区,Top) [8] Zhiying Ren*, Jinming Li, etl. Research on mechanical properties of metal entangled structure-silicone rubber composite vibration damping materials [J]. Polymer Composites. 2023.1-13. DOI: 10.1002/pc.27220(中科院二区) [9] Hongyin Li, Zhiying Ren*, Xingliang Su. etl. Study on the fretting wear evolution model of wires with curvature inside metal rubber [J]. Tribology Letters, 2023, 71:22.(中科院二区) [10] Tao Zhou, Rongzheng Fang, Zhiying Ren*, etl. Numerical Calculation and Evaluation for Density-Dependent Thermal Insulation Capability of Entangled Metallic Wire Material [J]. Defence Technology. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dt.2022.02.002(中科院二区) [11] Xiaoyuan Zheng, Zhiying Ren*, Zhangbin Wu*, etl. Mechanical behavior of entangled metallic wire materials-polyurethane interpenetrating composites [J]. Defence Technology. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dt.2022.03.007.(中科院二区) [12] Zhiying Ren, Mingzhi Fan, Zheng Zhang, etl. Superhydrophobic carbon nanotube-metal rubber composite with protective framework for emulsion separation [J]. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021, 4, 13643-13654.(中科院二区) [13] Zhiying Ren*, Jingfei Huang, Hongbai Bai, etl. Potential Application of Entangled Porous Titanium Alloy Metal Rubber in Artificial Lumbar Disc Prostheses [J]. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2021 (18): 584-599.(中科院二区) [14] Ding Shen, Youxi Lin*, Zhiying Ren*, etl. Normal-based flower pollination algorithm (FPA) for solving 3D point set registration via rotation Optimization [J]. IEEE Access, 2020. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3030848.(中科院二区) [15] Zhiying Ren,Liangliang Shen, etl. Study on multi-point random contact characteristics of metal rubber spiral mesh structure [J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1):132694-132710.(中科院二区) [16] Ding Shen, YouXi Lin*, Zhiying Ren*, etl. Robust and efficient GMM- based free-form parts registration via bi-directional distance [J]. Neurocomputing, 2019, 360:279-293.(中科院二区,Top) [17] ZhiYing.Ren, ChengHui.Gao*, Ding Shen. 3D profile filter algorithm based on parallel generalized B-spline approximating Gaussian [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 1(28): 148-154.(校内认定国内顶刊) [18] 任志英,黄子豪,方荣政等. 金属橡胶无序式网络互穿结构的热力学性能研究[J].机械工程学报,2023, 已录用.(EI 收录,校内认定卓越期刊) [19] 任志英,方荣政,陈小超等. 基于虚拟制备技术的金属橡胶各向异性本构特性研究[J] .机械工程学报,2021, 57(44): 211-222.(EI 收录,校内认定卓越期刊) [20] 任志英, 高诚辉*, 林有希, 黄健萌, 改进双树复小波在阶跃特征结构表面基准提取中应用, 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(19): 84-92.(EI 收录,校内认定卓越期刊) [21] 任志英, 高诚辉*, 黄健萌, 基于L回归稳健拟合算法的气缸套内表面形貌评定, 机械工程学报, 2014, 50(17): 99-106.(EI 收录,校内认定卓越期刊) 专利:近五年授权国家专利60多项,其中发明专利23项。具体如下: [1] 一种三向抗冲击减振器及其工作方法,ZL 202110037083.1,授权时间:20220201. [2] 二自由度管路主动动力吸振器及其使用方法,ZL202110888255.6,授权时间:20220510 [3] 基于金属橡胶孔隙材料磁流变高阻尼减振器及其减振方法,ZL202111489866.X,授权时间:20220627 [4] 基于金属橡胶的集成式复合隔振器及其工作方法,ZL202110639034.5,授权时间:2022 0615 [5] 一种基于金属橡胶可调高度的三向隔振器及其工作方法,ZL202111275554.9, 授权时间20220923 [6] 一种超材料声透镜相控阵换能器及提升焦点声压的方法,ZL2021114081146, 授权时间:20221010 [7] 一种提高金属橡胶减振效果的通用减震器结构,ZL202210075021.4,授权时间:20221230 [8] 电梯缓冲器及其工作方法,ZL202111159431.9, 授权时间:20220715 [9] 一种基于金属橡胶的三向电梯缓冲器,ZL202111120812.X, 授权时间:20230215 [10] 一种基于金属橡胶的管线减振格架及其工作方法,ZL202210376739.7,授权时间:2023 0131. [11]基于金属橡胶管道的三向变力减振支架及工作方法,ZL201910108618.2. 授权20210427. [12]一种复合合金化处理的奥氏体中锰钢及其制备方法, ZL 201810565507.X. 授权20200114. [13]基于多层金属橡胶的电梯曳引机减振器及其工作方法,ZL201810585022.7. 授权20190809 [14]基于金属橡胶的人工椎间盘假体, ZL 201810424320.8. 授权时间:20190809 [15]兼具弹性及运动能力的人工椎间盘假体, ZL 201810424363.6. 授权时间:20191112. [16]管路系统高温双向抗冲击支架, ZL201711209896.4. 授权时间:20191112. [17]管路系统高温双向抗冲击吊架, ZL201711210661.7. 授权时间:20190712. [18]一种共享单车电子围栏停放管理方法,ZL201910038756.8. 授权时间:20210601. [19]基于物联网的多层次车内环境监测报警系统及方法, ZL201710647190X. 授权时间:2019 1015 [20]基于机器视觉的镜片表面缺陷智能检测系统及其实现方法, ZL201610357279.8. 授权时间:20190312. [21]电磁脉冲焊接金属橡胶阻尼夹芯管的装置及其工作方法, ZL201810340359.1. 授权时间:20190510 [22]金属橡胶阻尼夹芯板放热熔焊接装置及工艺,ZL201810198206.8. 授权时间:20190913 [23]一种基于窄带半导体锑化铟的太赫兹圆偏振光产生方法, ZL 201510968 344.6 授权时间:20190122. |