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  • 吴乙万

    性 别 :男


    系 别:车辆工程系

    学 位:博士

    职 称:校聘教授/博士生导师

  • 详细资料


    (1) 特种减隔振材料(金属橡胶)设计、制备、表征及工程应用

    (2) 各类装备减振降噪与抗冲击

    (3) 新型智能材料/智能构件/智能作动器研制

    (4) 振动主动控制



    通讯地址:福建省福州市学院城乌龙江北大道2 邮编:350108


    (1) 2003.09 - 2007.06福州大学机械工程及自动化学院,本科

    (2) 2007.09 - 2010.06湖南大学机械与运载工程学院/汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,硕士

    (3) 2010.09 - 2013.12湖南大学机械与运载工程学院/汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室,博士

    (4) 2014.04 - 至今福州大学机械工程及自动化学院,教学科研

    (5) 2017.09至今,学院金属橡胶与振动噪声研究所副所长


    1. 国家级项目,xxxx140万元,2022-2025年,在研,主持

    2. 国家级重点项目,xxxx273.08万元,2019-2020年,结题,主持

    3. 国家级项目,xxxx108万元,2020-2021年,结题,主持

    4. 国家级项目,xxxx75.3万元,2019-2021年,结题,主持

    5. 国家级重点项目,xxxx297万元,2019-2022年,结题,排第二


    1. Research on Mechanical Properties and Constitutive Model of High-Damping Metal Wire MeshJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance2023(Print) (Online),(SCI

    2. Quasistatic and low-velocity impact properties of entangled metallic wire material–silicone rubber compositesJournal of Materials Research and Technology2023(Print) (Online) SCI

    3. Capillary Property of Entangled Porous Metallic Wire Materials and its Application in Fluid Buffers: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental StudyDefence Technology2023, (Print) (Online) SCI

    4. Free vibration of in-plane bi-directional functionally graded materials rectangular plates with geometric imperfections and general elastic restraints, Aerospace Science and Technology2023, 132, 108045 SCI

    5. Quasi-static and low-velocity impact mechanical behaviors of entangled porous metallic wire material under different temperaturesDefence Technology202319: 143-152 SCI

    6. Mechanical behavior of entangled metallic wire meshsilicone rubber interpenetrating phase composites under quasistatic compressionMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2022(Print) (Online) SCI

    7. Experimental study on the mechanical properties and impact behaviors of entangled metallic wire material under repeated low-velocity impacts2022Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures2022(Print) (Online) SCI

    8. Experimental and Numerical Research on a Pipe Element Passing through Bulkhead with Symmetrical Elastic InstallationSymmetry202214, 453 SCI

    9. Study of the Dynamic Model and Vibration Performance of Pot-Shaped Metal RubberMaterials202215, 5878 SCI

    10. Analysis and Experimental Research on Vibration Reduction in Ship High-Temperature Pipeline Based on Long Coated Damping StructureJournal of Marine Science and Engineering20219, 838 SCI

    11. Experimental investigation on static and dynamic energy dissipation characteristics of composite sandwich structure with entangled metallic wire materials and disc springsMaterials Research Express20218, 106507 SCI

    12. Experimental and Constitutive Model on Dynamic Compressive Mechanical Properties of Entangled Metallic Wire Material under Low-Velocity ImpactMaterials202013(6)1396 SCI

    13. Integrated Control of Differential Braking and Active Aerodynamic Control for Improving High Speed Stability of VehiclesInternational Journal of Automotive Technology202021(1)61-70 SCI

    14. Energy Dissipation Characteristics and Parameter Identification of Symmetrically Coated Damping Structure of Pipelines under Different Temperature EnvironmentSymmetry202012(8)1283 SCI

    15. Influence of Core Thickness and Boundary Condition on the Modal Characteristics of Composite Structure with Metallic Damping CoreShock and Vibration20209720167 SCI

    16. Mechanical Behavior of Entangled Metallic Wire Materials under Quasi-Static and Impact LoadingMaterials201912(20)3392 SCI

    17. A Constitutive Model of Plate-Like Entangled Metallic Wire Material in Wide Temperature RangeMaterials201912(16)2538 SCI

    18. Research on Vibration Reduction Design of Foundation with Entangled Metallic Wire Material under High TemperatureShock and Vibration20197297392 SCI

    19. Experimental Investigation of Thermal Modal Characteristics for a Ships Foundation under 300°CShock and Vibration20192714930 SCI

    20. 盆形金属橡胶三向动态力学性能试验研究,兵器材料科学与工程,2023,46(1): 27-34

    21. 半球形金属橡胶构件变刚度特性研究及建模,学院学报(自然科学版),202250(6)856-862

    22. 金属橡胶/碟簧叠层复合结构阻尼特性及其非对称迟滞模型参数识别,振动与冲击,202241(20)270-276+314

    23. 正负刚度并联隔振系统建模与性能分析,噪声与振动控制. 2022,42(05)268-273

    24. 金属橡胶包覆阻尼结构高温力学建模与试验,中国机械工程. 2022,33(11)1294-1301

    25. 管路弹性密封穿舱结构设计研究,舰船科学技术. 2022,44(14)30-34

    26. 金属波纹管高温振动试验系统研制,计算机测量与控制. 2021,29(08)228-232

    27. 状结构可变边界热振耦合试验系统研制,计算机测量与控制,202028(4)241-245

    28. 新型落锤冲击试验系统研制,计算机测量与控制,202028(2)262-266

    29. 高温环境船舶基座振动功率流特性研究,机械科学与技术,2019,38(8)1289-1295


    1. 双电机涡轮增压发电装置及其控制方法

    2. 主动空气动力辅助控制的车辆稳定性控制方法及系统

    3. 一种梯度多孔金属橡胶制动盘及其工作方法

    4. 连续梯度密度金属橡胶结构及其制备方法

    5. 一种主动悬架装置及其控制方法


    1. 2022年福建省级高层次人才(B类)

    2. 202111月获中国发明协会2021年度发明创业创新奖二等奖(排名第2

    3. 202112月澳门新葡平台网址8883优秀教师奖

    4. 20189月获学院第十九届青年教师“最佳一节课”竞赛三等奖

    5. 2019/2020/2021/2022年指导硕士生获校优秀学位论文


    1. 中国机械工程学会高级会员,中国汽车工程学会会员

    2. 中国机械工程、振动与冲击、湖南大学学报、南昌大学学报、international journal of automative technologyInternational Journal of Structural Stability and DynamicsShock and VibrationMaterialsMathematical Problems in EngineeringJournal of Mechanical Science and Technology等国内外期刊审稿人


